After March of 2019, all EMS recertifying must do so through the National Continued Competency Program (NCCP). Many of the requirements are similar to National Registry for license renewal but the required hours and categories have changed slightly. Below are my topics categorized according to NCCP. Some topics may be listed twice due to flexibility of the content. For a complete and comprehensive list, go to Handouts on the left side of the page and click on List of Topics. It is always updated to the most current topics offered.
Harder to Breathe: ARDS
Take My Breath Away: Ventilator Management
Thoracic Park: Chest Tubes in EMS Transport
Every Breath you Take: The most common respiratory diagnoses
Toxic Avenger: Sepsis in EMS (focus on lungs being first site of sepsis)
Killer Bees: Anaphylaxis in EMS
Waiting to Exhale: Capnography
No 02 for You!: Using Too Much of a Good Thing
Lil' Rascals: Pediatric Respiratory Distress
Caring for Special People: Unique Situations in EMS (focus on tracheostomies)
A Change of Heart: CHF
The Littles: Caring for Neonates in the 1st hour
History's Mysteries: Interesting Ways Famous People Have Died
Heartbreaker: Acute Coronary Syndrome and the Cath Lab
A Change of Heart: CHF
Pump Up The Volume: Ventricular Assist Devices
Time is Brain: Stroke Assessment and Treatment Guidelines
Under Pressure: Hemodynamic Monitoring
Don't Let Me Down: Intra-Aortic Balloon Pump Transport
History's Mysteries: Interesting Ways Famous People Have Died
History's Mysteries II
The Right Stuff: Critical Thinking Application
Waiting To Exhale: Capnography
Main Squeeze: Choosing Vasopressors
Bang Your Head: Traumatic Head Injuries
The Final Cut: Field Amputations
First Blood: Blood transfusions in EMS
Thoracic Park: Chest Tubes in EMS Transport
I've Got a Crush On You: Crush Syndrome
It's all in your Head: Neuro Assessment for Non-neuro folks
Frozen: The Cold Hard Truth about Hypothermia in Trauma Patients
Man Vs Wild: Environmental Emergencies
All Bleeding Stops.... Eventually: Bleeding Control
History's Mysteries: Interesting Ways Famous People have died.
History's Mysteries II
U Can't Touch This
Them Bones: Handling Extremity Injuries
Industrial Revolution: First response in an industrial setting
Psychiatric Emergencies
An Extraordinary Mind: Mental Illness Review