Texas EMS Conference: Austin, TX 2011
"I wish I had this 10 years ago."
"Very good info, Learned a lot"
"Excellent presentation of a subject that I am personally uncomfortable with" (emergency childbirth)
"Great teacher, Great presentation"
"Best speaker this year"
"Recommend this speaker for future presentations"
"Great Great class"
"Please come back next year!"
Oklahoma EMS, Tulsa 2012
"Dynamic and full of information"
"No time to get boring because she quickly changes subjects"
"Thought she did an amazing job, learned new things to take back home"
"Quality Presentation!"
"Great Job! Thanks for sharing and giving us the 'tips/tricks'"
"Loved the whole presentation, she could do a 2 hour class and keep the class engaged....."
University of Maryland at Baltimore County Critical Care Paramedic Refresher, Baltimore, MD 2012
"Excellent, wish she taught beyond day 1!"
"Strong Understanding of lecture topics, excellent job"
"Enjoyed her a lot. She kept my attention. Really showed her experience"
Central Jackson County, KS Community College Paramedic Class
"Janet was amazing! I really liked how she brought all the... show & tell"
"Presentation was fantastic. I really enjoyed being able to see and practice."
"I wish I had this 10 years ago."
"Very good info, Learned a lot"
"Excellent presentation of a subject that I am personally uncomfortable with" (emergency childbirth)
"Great teacher, Great presentation"
"Best speaker this year"
"Recommend this speaker for future presentations"
"Great Great class"
"Please come back next year!"
Oklahoma EMS, Tulsa 2012
"Dynamic and full of information"
"No time to get boring because she quickly changes subjects"
"Thought she did an amazing job, learned new things to take back home"
"Quality Presentation!"
"Great Job! Thanks for sharing and giving us the 'tips/tricks'"
"Loved the whole presentation, she could do a 2 hour class and keep the class engaged....."
University of Maryland at Baltimore County Critical Care Paramedic Refresher, Baltimore, MD 2012
"Excellent, wish she taught beyond day 1!"
"Strong Understanding of lecture topics, excellent job"
"Enjoyed her a lot. She kept my attention. Really showed her experience"
Central Jackson County, KS Community College Paramedic Class
"Janet was amazing! I really liked how she brought all the... show & tell"
"Presentation was fantastic. I really enjoyed being able to see and practice."