Below are links to handouts we have given to students during classes. These are meant to be used to help you understand what the textbooks try to teach you but have broken it down to an easier to understand way of thinking (at least we think so).
*NOTE* - We rotate through Handouts based on popular demand. I have so many that they won't all fit on one standard webpage. If there is a handout that you would like that isn't on this page, please send us an email on "Contact Janet" and we will get you what you need.
Click HERE for CHEAT CARDS (for Blood Transfusion, Chest Tubes and Childbirth charting)
Click HERE for VAD EMS GUIDE (Not my work, but available for public download)
Click HERE for Vent Settings Worksheet
Click HERE for Hemodynamic Parametersmaster_handouts_for_show-me.docx
Click HERE for IABP handout.