After March of 2019, all EMS recertifying must do so through the National Continued Competency Program (NCCP). Many of the requirements are similar to National Registry for license renewal but the required hours and categories have changed slightly. Below are my topics categorized according to October 1, 2016 NCCP revision. Some topics may be listed twice due to flexibility of the content. For a complete and comprehensive list, contact me and I can provide a breakdown for each topic in my List of Topics document
Getting Under My Skin: Non-burn injuries that will go to the Burn Unit.
Live and Let Die...with Dignity: Handling Death and Honoring DNRs'
Them Bones: Handling Extremity Injuries
Main Squeeze: Choosing Vasopressors
Special Delivery: Postpartum Care in the 1st Hour
Short Circuit: Seizures
The Littles: Caring for Neonates in the 1st hour
Pour Some Sugar on Me: Diabetic Emergencies
Don't Know Nothin' Bout Birthin' No babies!
She's Having a Baby (pregnancy complications)
Killer Bees: Anaphylaxis in EMS
Dirty Dozen: Infection Control
What To Expect When You're Expecting: High Risk OB Transport
First Blood: Blood Transfusion in EMS
Thoracic Park: Chest Tubes in EMS Transport
Going Mainstream: Handling Central Lines
Frozen: The Cold Hard Truth about Hypothermia in Trauma
To Pee or Not to Pee: Renal Failure and Dialysis in EMS
All Jacked Up: Endocrine Emergencies
Toxic Avenger: Sepsis in EMS
It's all in Your Head: Neuro Assessment for Non-Neuro Folks
I've Got A Crush on You: Dealing with Crush Injuries in EMS
Grandma Got Run Over by a Reindeer: Geriatric Emergencies
Lil' Rascals: Pediatric Respiratory Distress
A Change of Heart: CHF
History's Mysteries: Interesting Ways Famous People Have Died
History's Mysteries II
Under Pressure: Hemodynamic Monitoring
Don't Let Me Down: Intra-Aortic Balloon Pump Transport
An Extraordinary Mind: Mental Illness Review
The Right Stuff: Critical Thinking Application